Molecular Report 2024

First of all, like every year, we wish you a very chemical 2025. May all your scientific wishes come true. Now to business.

As always, we are going to donate 1 USD to education projects for every science and chemistry product you purchased at the Molecule Store in 2024.

Now for the very complicated math: last year, we sold 468 pieces of science and chemistry t-shirts and jewelry. That means a 468 USD donation to CO-OPERAID. 🥳

And now to our bestseller this year. Once again, our most popular molecule ring was the Serotonin + Dopamine Molecule Ring. No surprise there—this neurotransmitter molecule ring is simply beautiful.

Happy Chemistry


NErDs VIn ThIS! (We lost our Tungsten)

Starting tomorrow, we are giving away some of our nerdy chemistry products in our newsletter. Simply join our chemical newsletter here and get a change to win.

The products range from Molecule Store gift cards to our Chemistry Ugly Christmas Sweater, Molecule T-Shirts and end at our Periodic Table of Elements Fridge Magnets.

Happy Chemistry

To Vin this(lost #Tungsten) join the @Moleculestore newsletter:
Some of the science products you can win!

Periodically Report 2023

First of all, like every year, we wish you a very chemical 2024. May all your scientific wishes get what they deserve. Now to business.

Like every year we are going to donate 1 USD to education projects for each science and chemistry product you bought at the Molecule Store in 2023.

Now to the very complicated math: last year we sold 674 pieces of science and chemistry t-shirts and jewelry. That makes a 674 USD donation to CO-OPERAID. 🥳

Now to our strongest sellers this year. As usual, our most sold molecule ring was the Serotonin + Dopamine Molecule Ring. It’s not surprising as this neurotransmitter molecule ring is simply beautiful.

Our most sold science necklace is our Anatomical Heart Necklace – simply nerdy and beautiful. And on sale at the moment!

Anatomical heart necklace in rose gold.

In the category “science sweatshirts”, the winner is our Chemistree Ugly Christmas Sweater Unisex, of course. This marvel of ugly sweater design is a huge success at any laboratory or science department Christmas party!

And last but not least our science-themed t-shirts. We had two very strong contenders, it’s the Physics Gang Sign T-Shirt and the biologically rocking AT/GC DNA T-Shirt.

Physics gang sign t-shirt.

Biology, physics, chemistry, and biochemistry; that’s not bad. We hope to get some math and engineering in the mix soon.

Happy Chemistry


Ugly Christmas Sweater

Just a quick note that our Ugly Christmas Sweater featuring a Chemistree, Molecules and other chemistry things is now on sale!
This is your best chance of getting an awesomely nerdy gift for the Holidays.

The chemical Ugly Christmas Chemistree Sweater with molecules and other chemistry.

We make this science sweater from recycled polyester and as always give 1 USD to science education for each Chemistree sweatshirt we sell. This sale will only last for a short time, so get one (or even better: one for each of your nerdy friends too) now:

Free shipping in the US, free shipping worldwide if you get 3 😉

Here’s a video of the chemical sweater in action:

Chemical Ugly Christmas Sweater

Science Week

Science Week! It’s like Cyber Week but for trying to sell you Science Swag.
Here is the bullet list for you:

  • From Saturday, Nov 4th to Friday, Nov 10th.
  • Get 10% off everything at Molecule Store
  • Use code: SCIENCEWEEK23

Some other important news is below.

Let’s Science the Shit out of this T-Shirt

Let's science the shit out of this t-shirt

A cute t-shirt with an embroidered Let’s Science the Shit out of this. A confusing graphic and a WTF? complements the slogan. Finding new explanations is very hard, but also fun sometimes. The best sciencing t-shirt out there. Get it here:

Chemical Holiday Order Deadlines

Our order deadlines are suggested dates by which you should place orders for the best possibility of receiving them in time for the holidays!
Estimates can change based on various factors, such as shipping delays, unexpected technical difficulties, or harsh weather.

Science jewelry

All the geeky science and molecule jewelry in our shop.

Worldwide: Order before November 21th for the best chance!

Science T-Shirts, Periodic Table Towels, etc. printed in the US or Europe

This covers pretty much the rest of our chemistry & science products.

Europe & UK: Standard shipping Dec 5

Canada & US: Standard shipping Dec 10

Australia: Dec 08

Rest of the world: Standard shipping: Nov 19

We wish you a Happy Chemistree and very Chemical Holidays,

Simon and the Molecule Store Crew

PS: don’t know what to get? Just give away a couple of our Periodic Table Fridge Magnets!

Periodic table fridge magnets by Molecule Store

Molecule Store Report 2022

First of all, we wish you a very chemical 2023. May all your scientific wishes get what they deserve. Now to business.

Like every year we are going to donate 1 USD to education projects for each science and chemistry product you people did buy in 2023. This year was a year of changes, have upped the quality and reduced the shipping distances for our molecule jewelry, science joke t-shirts, etc. This is why we sold less than last year, but we think this number will rise again.

You might help us with that by telling your nerdy friends about our nerdy products. We have compiled a list of said products below for you to share. 👇

Now to the very complicated math: last year we sold 944 pieces of molecule t-shirts and science jewelry. This resulted in a 944 USD donation to CO-OPERAID. 🥳

Our donation to CO-OPERAID. In the name of science! 🤓

Here now are our top three chemistry apparel, jewelry, and best sellers to share with other nerds:

1. Chemistree 🎄

A Chemical Ugly Christmas Sweater

Man wearing an ugly Christmas sweater with a tree from periodic table elements, flasks, molecules and the text "OH CHEMISTREE"
Everything you need for scientific Holidays.

2. Periodically 👩‍🔬

A Periodic Table of Elements Towel

A towel with the periodic table of elements.
So scientific, so deep, so soft.

3. Happiness 🧠

A Serotonin + Dopamine Molecule Ring

A ring with the molecules dopamine and serotonin in a chemistry laboratory.
A ring to chemically rule them all.

Happy Chemistry


A Chemical Christmas

The very Chemical Christmas Holidays are coming closer, and in order for you to get yourself or your loved ones the perfect nerdy chemistry gift in time, we have listed the order deadlines below.

As every year: If you still don’t know what to buy, here comes our very short Science Holiday Shopping Guide 🎄

Science Holiday Gift Guide 2022

We have a chemistry ring, a science joke t-shirt, and a periodic table towel in (the molecule) store, ready to make any holiday a nerdy holiday.

Serotonin & Dopamine Molecule Ring

Hand with a chemical serotonin and dopamine molecule ring.
Our serotonin and dopamine molecule ring in action.

One of our biggest sellers combines the two most important neurotransmitters in your brain into one beautiful molecule ring. Serotonin is thought to be a contributor to feelings of well-being and happiness and dopamine to help with learning, sleep, memory, attention, and motivation. It’s like a molecular superpower ring.

Periodic Table Towel

A periodic table towel on the beach.
Our periodic table towel on the beach.

This must-have for any chemist or science nerd is a clear gift guide winner as even nerds need a towel, and you can’t go wrong with the size.
This super soft towel features a full periodic table of elements print, with all the known elements of this universe. There’s even an element of surprise on there somewhere.

Science Joke T-Shirt

Science joke t-shirt with AT/GC print.
Our AT/GC t-shirt.

Our favorite science joke t-shirt will also make your gift a very nerdy one. It features a DNA molecule and AT/GC nucleotides in form of a rock ‘n’ roll band logo. Because of course biology & science rock! If you like science joke t-shirts click here to see them all.

Holiday Order Deadlines

Our order deadlines are our suggested dates by which you should place orders for the best possibility to receive them in time for the holidays! Estimates can change based on various factors, such as shipping delays, unexpected technical difficulties, or harsh weather.

3D-printed science jewelry

All the amazing molecule jewelry in our shop.

Worldwide: Order before November 21st for the best chance!

Science T-Shirts, Periodic Table Towels, etc. printed in the US or Europe

This covers pretty much all the nerdy rest of our chemistry & science products in the shop.

Europe & UK: Standard shipping: Dec 14

Canada: T-Shirts: Dec 09 – The Rest: Standard shipping: Dec 29 / Express shipping: Dec 08

US: Standard shipping: Dec 11 / Express shipping: Dec 14

Australia + New Zealand: Nov 29

Switzerland: Standard shipping: Dec 14 / Express shipping: Dec 16

Rest of the world: Standard shipping: Nov 29 / Express shipping: Dec 12

We wish you a Happy Chemistree and a very Chemical Christmas,

Simon and the Molecule Store Crew


The Best Science Jokes

At the Ministry of Chemistry, we love a good nerd joke. That is why we have added all the best chemistry & science jokes curated by the Department of Science Jokes and published them in our new Science Jokes Category.

We have all kinds of nerdy jokes for you nerds:

  • physics jokes
  • biology jokes
  • math jokes
  • astronomy jokes
  • even chemistry jokes, even though we have to admit the best ones argon

The best thing about our new geeky jokes: you can up-, and down-vote them to your liking – and if you know a great joke, you can simply leave a comment with the joke below and we will make sure to add it to our great selection of jokes.

Here are the top ten very best science jokes created in this universe so far:

  1. Schrödinger’s Cat (+6)
  2. Chemists (+6)
  3. Periodically (+6)
  4. Astronomers (+5)
  5. Watt is Love? (+5)
  6. Sodium (+5)
  7. Avogadro (+4)
  8. Full (+4)
  9. Studying (+4)
  10. Solutions (+3)

From time to time we will take the best jokes and put them on t-shirts, hoodies, or posters at the Molecule Store. If you need any joke or meme on a t-shirt or anything else, please let us know and we will make your wish a reality.

A science joke with a graphic saying physics gang sign showing the right hand rule used in physics.
Physics Gang Sign is just one of the many science meme t-shirts at the Molecule Store.

Lab Coats & Periodic Tables

Today we will tell your about 2 things we are very excited about: the lab coat project and our new periodic table fridge magnet set! The best thing about today’s post? We will give away one periodic table fridge magnet set tomorrow. Find out how to participate below!

The Lab Coat Project

Our friends at Genius Lab Gear have an amazing project going on where they are trying to revolutionize (this reminds me of our “Viva La Evolución” sweatshirt, a must-have in my humble opinion) how we dress in the lab. They used the feedback of 1000 scientists to design the lab coat of the future. All links and more information on the Molecule Store.

Person putting an iphone in a lab coat pocket.
Just a glimpse of what you can expect from the lab coat of the future. Image by Genius Lab Gear.

Periodic Table Fridge Magnets

This is our newest periodic table of elements product – years in the making – now a reality: our new periodic table fridge magnet set! It’s pretty, made on-demand in the US, gets shipped without any packaging except a cardboard envelope, and comes with free US shipping for just USD 14. What’s the catch? You will have to cut out the elements by yourself. But it’s easy and fun.

It’s the perfect gift for any chemist or science nerd with a fridge. Extremely good for leaving elemental messages periodically. Inspiration needed? Here you go:
Genius, bro, nice, cute, ass, think, nerdy, OMG, cook, boss, fun, lab, lab coat, bacon, unicorn, ok, no brainer, baby, sexey, cookies, even “nerdy as fuck” and other combinations. Try chemspeller for even more ideas on what to spell with your new periodic table fridge magnets.

Periodic table fridge magnet set spelling element words Cute Ass and Nerdy.
The periodic table fridge magnets – it’s awesome!

If you are feeling lucky you can participate in our nerdy giveaway on Instagram to win one periodic table fridge magnet set. If you don’t like Instagram you can simply reply to this email and express your feelings about why you should win our new periodic table fridge magnets. The deadline for entering will be tomorrow (Friday), so act fast 🙂
Happy Chemistry!


New Science & Molecule Jewelry

The Molecule Store already is the number one place to buy high quality science and especially molecule jewelry. With our newest additions of molecule ear climbers and science necklaces we set that position in stone 😉
We think science necklaces and rings are a great way to promote science education, which is written into our DNA (pun intended).

So without further ado, we present our newest science jewelry pieces:

2 for 1 Science & Molecule Necklaces

Because the molecule & science necklaces are pretty small we can usually print two molecules (for sterling silver and brass jewelry that is) for the price of one. That is why we have a new line of 2 for 1 molecule & science pendants. If you need any other combination please let us know and we will add it. You can have either two times the same molecule, or mix and match to your liking. All of our molecule pendants also work great on 20 mm hoop earrings!
The pendants available right now are: serotonin & dopamine, caffeine, DNA, oxytocin, pi π
Molecules we are thinking about adding: THF and glucose. Please send us an email if you are interested.

Science and molecule pendants, including DNA plasmid, DNA, oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, caffeine, and pi.
All our new science & molecule pendants

Molecule Ear Climbers

Our bestseller from the past – now even more beautiful and with different molecules. You can mix and match those to your liking!
The molecule ear climbers available are now: serotonin & dopamine, oxytocin, DNA

Serotonin and oxytocin molecule ear climbers
Serotonin and oxytocin molecule ear climbers

Anatomical Heart Necklace

Pretty cool heart necklace, because SCIENCE! Available in normal and small. Any science nerd will 🫀 this anatomical heart necklace, but for real.

A small and big anatomical heart / love necklace
Our new anatomical heart / love necklaces

Math Symbols Stud Earrings

A collection of cute math stud earrings. All the math symbols you need: π, e, √, Σ, f(x), x, ∞, 42. Basically “Life, the Universe, and Everything”.

A pi (π) stud earring
A pi (π) stud earring

DNA Tie Clip

Wearers of ties, listen up! We introduce to you the new and amazing DNA tie clip. It’s a tie bar for your tie that actually looks like DNA with the characteristic minor and major grooves. Really, really nerdy but also highly fashionable. Yeah Science!

DNA tie clip
DNA tie clip

Oxytocin Molecule Ring

The oxytocin ring is lovely (last pun for today) addition to our molecule ring collection. Oxytocin is a mammalian hormone that acts primarily as a neuromodulator in the brain. It is best known for its roles in sexual reproduction, in particular during and after childbirth. Read more about oxytocin here.

Hand with a oxytocin molecule ring.
Our new oxytocin molecule ring

And that’s it, the new awesome science & molecule jewelry edition of this blog is over. Have a great day and see you soon. Happy Chemistry!
