Periodically Report 2023

First of all, like every year, we wish you a very chemical 2024. May all your scientific wishes get what they deserve. Now to business.

Like every year we are going to donate 1 USD to education projects for each science and chemistry product you bought at the Molecule Store in 2023.

Now to the very complicated math: last year we sold 674 pieces of science and chemistry t-shirts and jewelry. That makes a 674 USD donation to CO-OPERAID. 🥳

Now to our strongest sellers this year. As usual, our most sold molecule ring was the Serotonin + Dopamine Molecule Ring. It’s not surprising as this neurotransmitter molecule ring is simply beautiful.

Our most sold science necklace is our Anatomical Heart Necklace – simply nerdy and beautiful. And on sale at the moment!

Anatomical heart necklace in rose gold.

In the category “science sweatshirts”, the winner is our Chemistree Ugly Christmas Sweater Unisex, of course. This marvel of ugly sweater design is a huge success at any laboratory or science department Christmas party!

And last but not least our science-themed t-shirts. We had two very strong contenders, it’s the Physics Gang Sign T-Shirt and the biologically rocking AT/GC DNA T-Shirt.

Physics gang sign t-shirt.

Biology, physics, chemistry, and biochemistry; that’s not bad. We hope to get some math and engineering in the mix soon.

Happy Chemistry


Science Week

Science Week! It’s like Cyber Week but for trying to sell you Science Swag.
Here is the bullet list for you:

  • From Saturday, Nov 4th to Friday, Nov 10th.
  • Get 10% off everything at Molecule Store
  • Use code: SCIENCEWEEK23

Some other important news is below.

Let’s Science the Shit out of this T-Shirt

Let's science the shit out of this t-shirt

A cute t-shirt with an embroidered Let’s Science the Shit out of this. A confusing graphic and a WTF? complements the slogan. Finding new explanations is very hard, but also fun sometimes. The best sciencing t-shirt out there. Get it here:

Chemical Holiday Order Deadlines

Our order deadlines are suggested dates by which you should place orders for the best possibility of receiving them in time for the holidays!
Estimates can change based on various factors, such as shipping delays, unexpected technical difficulties, or harsh weather.

Science jewelry

All the geeky science and molecule jewelry in our shop.

→ Worldwide: Order before November 21th for the best chance!

Science T-Shirts, Periodic Table Towels, etc. printed in the US or Europe

This covers pretty much the rest of our chemistry & science products.

→ Europe & UK: Standard shipping Dec 5

→ Canada & US: Standard shipping Dec 10

→ Australia: Dec 08

→ Rest of the world: Standard shipping: Nov 19

We wish you a Happy Chemistree and very Chemical Holidays,

Simon and the Molecule Store Crew

PS: don’t know what to get? Just give away a couple of our Periodic Table Fridge Magnets!

Periodic table fridge magnets by Molecule Store

New Science Joke T-Shirts

Here at the Molecule Store we are trying hard to be the number one place to buy science joke t-shirts. Simply because we love science jokes and science memes and we think they are a great way of spreading science education, which is the core mission of Molecule Store. In that spirit, we present you with 6 new science joke t-shirts!

Binary Code T-Shirts

We have 2 new binary code t-shirts in stock, the first one is a t-shirt with “NERD” spelled in binary, and the second one says “FUCK YOU!” (very mature) in binary.

We like computer science and are open to new suggestions for computer science jokes t-shirts. You can also suggest any binary code word t-shirt you want and we will add it to our collection.

A white binary code t-shirt that spells "NERD"
A binary code t-shirt saying “NERD” twice in a way

This Is How I Roll T-Shirt

Our first physics joke t-shirt features a rolling resistance figure explaining how a body rolls on a surface – because this is how we roll!
This t-shirt says I am a huge physics nerd but in a kind of cool way and is very sciency.

A t-shirt with a print that says "THIS IS HOW I ROLL" with a figure depicting rolling resistance.
This is how I roll science meme t-shirt, nice!

Physics Gang Sign T-Shirt

The next science meme t-shirt in line is our physics gang sign (right-hand rule) t-shirt. We simply put the right-hand rule a gang sign common amongst physicists on a t-shirt and voilĂ  – you have a nerdy and awesome t-shirt. The right-hand rule is used as a mnemonic to find many three-dimensional space things like the Lorentz force or current direction in a wire. Read more about this gang sign on Wikipedia.

A t-shirt with the text "Physics Gang Sign" and the right-hand rule underneath.
A pretty cool science meme t-shirt, right?

Watt is Love T-Shirt

This science meme t-shirt is the international dance hit “What Is Love” by Haddaway from 1993 recreated with science all-stars! One of the best science jokes on the internet.
The song goes like this:

Watt is love?

Baby, don’t Hertz me

Don’t Hertz me

no Morse

Featuring the heads of James Watt, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, and Samuel Finley Breese Morse. The best science meme t-shirt you can buy for money ever, period.

A science meme t-shirt with the text "Watt is love? Baby, don't Hertz me Don't Hertz me no Morse" with the heads of Watt, Hertz and Morse
The “Watt is Love?” t-shirt is a thing of beauty.

Research T-Shirt

Last but not least we have our new t-shirt about research. This science joke t-shirt simply says: “If I knew what I was doing, it wouldn’t be called RESEARCH”
The quote “If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?” gets attributed to Albert Einstein, like so many quotes. Our version “If I knew what I was doing, it wouldn’t be called research” is a bit shorter and easier on the eyes.
A must-have for anybody working and researching for their thesis, be it, Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D.!

Woman wearing a t-shirt with the text "If I knew what I was doing, it wouldn’t be called RESEARCH".
Awesome shirt you got there!