Salt made a joke
it was sodium funny.
A blog for chemistry & science jewelry and t-shirts.
The best science jokes from this universe collected by the Ministry of Chemistry just for your nerdy pleasure.
Salt made a joke
it was sodium funny.
Dear math,
stop asking me to find your X,
she’s not coming back and don’t ask Y.
If at first you don’t succeed,
try two more times so that your failure is statistically significant.
You talk funny when you breathe helium.
He He He
Oh Chemistree, Oh Chemistree
How brightly burns your Bunsen burner
Oh Chemistree, Oh Chemistree
How brightly burns your Bunsen burner
The sight of thee at Chemistree tide
Spreads fear of all mad scientists far and wide
Oh Chemistree, Oh Chemistree
How brightly glows your Bunsen burner
Get a chemical Chemistree Christmas sweater for your Facebook friend Robert.
Endothermic reactions?
I studied them before they were cool!
Where questions like “Where do you keep the chloroform?” are no longer suspicious.
What happens when electrons lose their energy?
They get Bohr’d!
Get a Bohr’d Electrons t-shirt for your buddy Niels.
My metal detector found gold.
Au yeah!
Who led the Israelites through the semi-permeable membrane?